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ectoprofessionals and ectoscientists

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 1 year, 8 months ago


Graphic of the most fundamental ideas of

Cesidian analytic theology (Cat).



Ectoprofessionals and ectoscientists: analytic theologians are not professionals or scientists, strictly speaking

Not only was Albert Einstein right, right in saying that "God does not play dice with the Universe", but you can also be certain that Yehovah [יְהֹוָה] is not a casino dealer either. You can be absolutely certain simply because God, strictly speaking, in neither a professional, nor a scientist.


Medieval and early modern tradition recognised only three professions: divinity (the academic discipline, not the noun), medicine, and law. These were all called the learned professions.


It should be noted that a profession is not a craft or trade, and not an industry.


The term profession, is a truncation of the term 'liberal profession', which is, in turn, an Anglicisation of the French term profession libérale.


According to the European Union's Directive on Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC), 'liberal professions' are "those practised on the basis of relevant professional qualifications in a personal, responsible and professionally independent capacity by those providing intellectual and conceptual services in the interest of the client and the public".


Disciplines formalised more recently, such as architecture, now have long periods of study associated with them.


Although professions may enjoy relatively high status and public prestige, not all professionals earn high salaries, and even within specific professions there are significant differences in salary.


In law, for example, a corporate defence lawyer working on an hourly basis, may earn several times what a prosecutor or public defender earns.


A profession arises through the process of "professionalisation". Through this process any trade or occupation transforms itself into a profession through the development of formal qualifications based upon education, apprenticeship, and examinations; based on the emergence of regulatory bodies with powers to admit, and discipline members; and based on some degree of monopoly rights.


Major milestones, which may mark an occupation being identified as a profession include:


  1. an occupation becomes a full-time occupation;

  2. the establishment of a training school;

  3. the establishment of a university school, college, or seminary — not a full university;

  4. the establishment of a local association;

  5. the establishment of a national association of professional ethics;

  6. the establishment of state licensing laws.


If we apply these milestones to the historical sequence of development in the United States, we find that the profession of surveying achieved professional status first — note that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, all worked as land surveyors before entering politics — and were followed by: medicine; actuarial science; law; dentistry; civil engineering; logistics; architecture; and accounting.


With the rise of technology and occupational specialisation in the 19th century, other bodies began to claim professional status, such as: mechanical engineering; pharmacy; veterinary medicine; psychology; nursing; teaching; librarianship; optometry; and social work.


Each of these could claim, using the milestones mentioned above, to have become professions by 1900.


All this introduction about liberal professions, allows me to extrapolate the following interesting observations:


  1. A profession is not a craft or trade by definition, as mentioned previously.

  2. A craft or trade, in turn, is a pastime, or occupation, which requires particular skills and knowledge in order to execute skilled work.

  3. The terms craft or trade are usually applied to people occupied in the small scale production of goods, or their maintenance — not for industrial-scale production.

  4. The traditional term craftsman, has been today largely replaced by the terms artisan or craftsperson.

  5. Crafts or trades preceded professions, because the medieval and early modern professions of divinity, medicine, and law, were all in fact created after the development of the first universities or universitates (Ectolatin singular: universitas), which in turn were first started in Europe by Roman Catholic monks.

  6. So basically the first professions were started by religious tribes (tribus), which later also led to the first modern countries (cives), and the professions themselves, also eventually led to the development of their own professional tribes within countries.


While I have worked in various dead-end jobs, since 16.02.2004 I have pioneered the field of Cesidian analytic theology ('analytic theology' for short), and became very skilled at it.


Moreover, the birth of Cesidian analytic theology or Cat, was only preceded by a few months — 206 days, 6.77 months, or 0.564 years, back on 25.07.2003 — by the development of the legal concept called jus cerebri electronici, and this caused the birth of Cesidian law or Claw.



Adult men usually define themselves by their work or profession, and I have always defined myself primarily as a theologian, or more accurately, as an analytic theologian.


However, an analytic theologian is not a theologian within any specific religious tradition, or a philosopher, or a philosopher of religion, but actually a spiritual scientist, so I'm often forced to distinguish myself from other "analytic theologians", who are mainly philosophers of religion and speculators, not mathematicians and scientists of religion, even mathematicians and scientists of spirituality like myself.


As I like to say, and this is the n-result of decades of emotional experience, observation, and study, a wife can only marry a husband, and a husband is basically a "householder", which is essentially a state worker, like a real estate agent, although a real estate agent is a professional, not just an artisan or craftsperson.


So a wife is an artisan or craftsperson also, a member of a craft or trade, unlike women who practice the so-called "first profession".


A graduate student, however, can't easily "marry" an institution in spiritual and human form, which is actually a still living or extant saint, also known in Ectoenglish as a 'Homomessianic saint'.


No, if the graduate student is a good student, she can only observe, and take lots of notes, and eventually matriculate, or basically enrol/enlist with the living saint, the 'living university'. The word university is derived from the Latin «universitas magistrorum et scholarium», which roughly means "community of teachers and scholars".


Most other women would call their deeper relationship to another man "commitment", but the sophisticated graduate student I'm mentioning, who is already far beyond the introductory or the "101 courses", and in fact is already most likely a professional in some field of human endeavour, requires commitment not just to a man, but to a whole new world, the 'Newest World', in fact, which is a lot more than just being a committed to a marital partner, and wanting to have and raise children with a specific man.


Moreover, living saints, unlike lots of men, if not most men, don't work for states or countries, but for a Much Higher Authority, as I told an African archbishop yesterday on Facebook.


So traditional saints are basically "professions" of a specific church (ie, a religious tribe), articles of faith like many other religious things, while living saints, or 'Homomessianic saints', are pioneers of a new natural society.


Thus living saints are not "discoverers" of a new world like Columbus — note that Patrick John Ryan, Archbishop of Philadelphia, and the Knights of Columbus, petitioned the Pope to canonise Christopher Columbus back in 1909 —, but developers, scientists, even scholars of the Newest World, which is essentially an ectocourt, extraregion, or ectocivilisation started from scratch, and having little or no relationship with the three Old, and the three New Worlds.


So the graduate student and professional in some field, who adores a living saint, and not just another "boy with the cold hard cash"; who adores not just other "boys that save their pennies" (as Madonna puts it); that graduate student and professional becomes a professor.


Professors are not "material girls", but spiritual women.


They don't talk about the infidelity of their householder, even with some discretion, but rather profess their fidelity towards their living institution and his teachings.


I hope the reader has begun to understand that an analytic theologian is not another profession either, having virtually no association with either religious tribes, or countries, just as an analytic theologian is not just another (materialistic) scientist, but a spiritual scientist.


An analytic theologian can only be defined as the first true scholar, or an "independent scholar".


A scholar is a person who pursues academic and intellectual activities, particularly academics who apply their intellectualism into expertise in an area of study. A scholar can also be an academic, who works as a professor, teacher, or researcher at a university. An academic usually holds an advanced or terminal degree, such as a master's degree, or a doctorate.


"Independent scholars" such as philosophers and public intellectuals, work outside of the academy, yet publish in academic journals, and participate in scholarly public discussions.


Unlike "independent scholars", analytic theologians share their wisdom, developments, and discoveries with a smaller group of people, who are either part of an ectocourt, extraregion, or ectocivilisation, or could potentially join one in the future, so their purpose is also outside of secular concerns, and even outside of the purpose of typical religion, which is also often hampered with far too many secular concerns, to the point where a potential new koinonia (κοινωνία) or natural society, becomes an artificial ekklesia (ἐκκλησία) or juridical — and political, deceptive, illogical, paternalistic, materialistic, arbitrary, unethical, environmentally destructive... — society, a so-called "kingdom of God".


Also unlike independent scholars, analytic theologians are not considered inferior by their "professional" colleagues of the academic world, and analytic theologians don't even consider Aristotelian doctors and PhDs as true scholars.


Analytic theologians are simply not understood, and thus can go completely or largely ignored.


An analytic theologian — a more accurate description would be a Cesidian analytic theologian — is not a theologian within any specific religious tradition, or a philosopher, or a philosopher of religion, but actually a spiritual scientist.


Cesidian spiritual science (Css) has become, over 23 years of research and development (since 17.11.1998), a Cesidian legal, spiritual and theological, salubriological and psychological, linguistic, journalistic and historical, geological, geographic and astronomical, economics, societal and political, ecological and agricultural, informatics, educational and library science, or the world's first holistic, ethical, and scientific paradigm.


MT Kaisiris Tallini




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