ectopolitan and ectobattery

No chicken left behind



Ectopolitan and ectobattery is the wave of the future

The evolution of the gods, and their liberated dependants:


Ectopolitan human (01.01.2021): human of the Homo sapiens ethicus genus, also known as Homo noeticus — note that «sapiens» means 'knowing' in Ectolatin, while «noeticus» means 'self-knowing'.†


Cosmopolitan cat (28.08.2021): stray domestic cat (Felis catus).


Ectopolitan cat (28.08.2021): feral domestic cat (Felis catus), usually part of an ectopolitan feline colony.


Ectobattery hen (28.04.2022): former battery-caged hen (Gallus domesticus), or hen which has never lived in a barren battery cage, or even in an "enriched" cage.‡


MT Kaisiris Tallini





† There is at least one certified or certifiable ectopolitan whose ectopolitan name, Kaisiris Tallini, has existed and been used since 03.09.2013. Besides being the world's first micronationalist recognised in de jure, or acknowledged in de facto fashion by several government or quasi-government bodies, Kaisiris also became a de facto ectopolitan when he abandoned all political parties, even the UMMOA (United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago) international political party he had founded on 04.06.2017, and Kaisiris became a de jure ectopolitan when the UMMOA's registered trademark was cancelled by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) on 02.04.2021.


‡ On battery cages and bans


Battery cages are the most common method in the US for confining chickens in order to produce eggs on an industrial scale. These small, cramped, barren cages, cause a host of negative physical and psychological impacts — ethologically-inimical treatment of animals. The bones of laying hens grow brittle and are easily broken, and their natural desires to scratch, explore, and nest, are systematically denied in battery cages.


It should be noted that many other species of animals endure extreme caging on factory farms, but permanent, and less permanent caged conditions are common even on many small farms.


Examples of extreme caging are gestation crates, in which female pigs (sows) are kept for much of their lives. These crates tend to be roughly the size of the sow's body, preventing her from even turning around.


Cows on dairy farms can also endure extreme confinement when they are tethered to stalls for the duration of their lives, unable to ever walk on grass, or to go outside.


With regard to battery cages only, Switzerland has banned them in 1992.


Bhutan has outlawed battery cages in 2012.


The US state of California passed a ballot measure in 2008 phasing out battery cages, and passed legislation banning the in-state sale of eggs that come from hens housed in battery cages by 2015. Colorado passed legislation phasing out battery cages by 2025, as well as banning the in-state sale of products from battery cage systems by 2023. Massachusetts passed a ballot measure banning the use of battery cages, as well as in-state sale of products from any of these confinement systems by 2022. Michigan passed legislation phasing out battery cages by 2019, but then in 2019 it extended the battery cage phase-out timeline, and the ban on in-state sale of products from battery cage systems to 2025. Nevada passed legislation phasing out battery cages by 2024, and banning the in-state sale of products from battery cage systems by July 2022. Oregon passed legislation phasing out battery cages, and banning the in-state sale of products from battery cage systems by 2024. Rhode Island passed legislation phasing out battery cages by 2026. Utah passed legislation phasing out battery cages by 2025. The US state of Washington passed legislation phasing out battery cages, as well banning the in-state sale of products from battery cage systems by 2024.


While the European Union ban on the use of barren battery cages came into force in 2012, nearly half of all commercial egg-laying hens are still kept in so-called "enriched" cages, and breeding flocks and chicks are also caged, often in barren cages.




Sociobiological differences between cosmopolitans and ectopolitans


Ectobattery Hens in Hazmat Suits Organisation