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politans vs ectopolitans

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years, 5 months ago

Wife vs Professor

Image above: a male brilliant emerald dragonfly versus a monarch butterfly.


Spirito-biological differences between

'politans' and ectopolitans

There is a reason for the "Hermit mode", and especially for the "Tribulation period", but it is not what you think, or what you've been taught.


The larva or caterpillar, and the adult or butterfly, are not necessarily insects of a different species, but rather insects at a different physical evolutionary stage.


The difference between the larva or caterpillar, and the adult or butterfly stage is this: in the intermediate, or the pupa or chrysalis stage, the so-called butterfly will transform, and become a butterfly.


In insects which experience complete metamorphosis, the pupa or chrysalis stage can last from a few weeks, up to two years, depending on the species.


Most humans are spiritually equivalent to the dragonfly genus.


In the genus called of Homo sapiens, also known as the progeny of the serpent, the later pupa or chrysalis stage simply leads to death.


A few humans, however, at a certain point in ectohistory, will become spiritually equivalent to the monarch butterfly genus.


In the newest genus called Homo ethicus, also known as the progeny of the woman, the later pupa or chrysalis stage will not necessarily lead to death, but will lead to incredible social isolation known as the "Hermit" stage, a stage which however doesn't involve any Pagan; and will lead to the "Tribulation" stage, a stage which doesn't involve any Christian.


The pupa or chrysalis stage in the genus of Homo ethicus will last for a "Tribulation period" of at least seven years, and this period will end, and incorporate a long "Hermit mode" stage.


MT Kaisiris Tallini




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