wife vs professor

Wife vs Professor



The difference between a wife, and a professor

A wife can only marry a husband, and a husband is basically a "householder", which is essentially a state worker, like a real estate agent, lawyer, or doctor.


This is what an astrologer would call "7th House material".


A graduate student, however, can't "marry" an institution in spiritual and human form, which is actually a still living or extant saint.


No, if she is a good student, she can only observe, and take lots of notes, and eventually matriculate, or enrol/enlist with the living saint.


Living saints don't work for states, but for a Much Higher Authority. And this is how the graduate student becomes a "professor".


Professors don't talk about the infidelity of their householder, but profess their fidelity towards their institution and its teachings, and to other good students who wish one day to either graduate to another institution of higher education, or become a professor of the institution of the Highest Education.


This is what an astrologer would call "9th House material", even "11th House material", for great professors sometimes discover new truths. This is how they give honour to their institutions.


Notice that I said "graduate student", and not nun or abbess. That's because even a nun is a state worker, a Vatican State worker to be more precise, but graduate students are only inspired — "in love", but this is not the Greek eros (ἔρως) kind of love, but the love the Greeks called philia (φιλία) — by their institution, because they don't "worship" their institution.


Notice that I also said "living saint", and not the other kind of saint. That's because even the other kinds of saints are made by men (popes or patriarchs), but living saints, like the living Messiah, like the born again Jesus with a new name (Revelation 3:12), are canonised by God or Yehovah [יְהֹוָה] — Yehovah means "the Eternal" in Hebrew, not "God" — only.


What I'm basically saying is this: don't confuse a meat market, ancient "8th House material", with a lecture about anatomy, ancient "9th House material".


And this is what a special astrologer would call Bucksfanian astrology.


MT Kaisiris Tallini